
Pediatrics is the area of medicine that deals with the wellbeing and medical treatment of newborns, young children, and teenagers from the age of birth to the age of 18. The Greek words "pais" (meaning "child") and "iatros" (meaning "doctor or healer") are combined to form the word "paediatrics," which means "healer of children."

When to consult a pediatrician?

    Consult a paediatrician as soon as you can if your infant has:
  • Diarrhoea that lasts longer than 12 hours.
  • Vomiting more than once or for more than 12 hours.
  • Or if the baby exhibits additional symptoms in addition to vomiting, such diarrhoea, a fever, or a rash.
When we work

Doctors work schedule

  • Dr.Basheer Abdulla
  • Mahir Mayan