
Our sonologist uses an ultrasound tool to diagnose different diseases, monitors the fetus during pregnancy, helps in performing different procedures with ultrasound-guided techniques, finds the exact location of abnormal masses and tumors, etc..

Sonology is primarily used to view within your body. It aids in the diagnosis of numerous disorders, including cancer, tumours, heart issues, etc.

Sonology Procedure

  • A transducer, which resembles a wand, is used to perform the sonology or ultrasound operation.
  • The body may receive sound waves.
  • Images are created on the monitor by recording the sound waves that the bodily organ returns.
  • The initial step of the technique often involves exposing the body part that will be used for ultrasonic imaging by lying down on the table.
  • The sonologist moves the wand-like transducer on your body while applying gel to that area of your body.
  • Then, as the sonologist views within your body, an image of your internal organs begins to appear on the monitor. And look at the issue.
  • A diagnostic report is generated when the images are recorded.
When we work

Doctors work schedule

  • Dr.Sukhdev
    On call